Thought Thread: Psalm

[1] This Song Will Reduce Your Anxiety by 65%
Why read this? Don't take my word for it; a neuroscientist did the research.

[2] Thinking Beyond the Generational Divide
Why read this? An MIT study reveals that, at work, age is just a number.

[3] What is a Beautiful Church Building For?
Why read this? We would do well to consider the value of sacred space.

[4] Why is Left-Handedness So Rare?
Why read this? Statistically, only 10% of us will be curious.

[5] Book Recommendation: The Network Imperative
Why read this? The future belongs to those who control the network. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 150
Ending message in this study of the book of Psalms.

[7] From Me: Pandemic Lessons in Sabbath
Why read this? Will we continue to slow down even when we no longer need to?

Thought Thread: Hallelujah

[1] The Psychology of Silent Treatment 
Why read this? Ghosting someone could cause greater harm than you realize. 

[2] The Digital Divide and the American Church
Why read this? A tech magazine examines the challenges of online worship. 

[3] Why Can't We Live Without Sports?
Why read this?
 Understand why people worship players in the arena.

[4] Leaders Matter. So Do Followers.
Why read this?
 When you're not in charge, you still have influence.

[5] Book Recommendation: Art and Faith
Why read this? Consider how a renowned artist understands Christianity. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 146
A journey from mortality to doxology.

[7] From Me: The Sin of Pastoral Narcissism
Why read this? When leaders point people to the wrong Savior.


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Thought Thread: Love

[1] What Lack of Affection Does to People
Why read this? A post-COVID world might require free hugs.

[2] The Passion Economy and the Future of Work
Why read this? The shift from organizations to personal brands is upon us.

[3] How To Build Deeper Friendships
Why read this? Coming out of the pandemic, we need strong support systems.

[4] The Most Intelligent People Love Spending Time Alone
Why read this? Even if you're an extrovert, you may need to roll solo.

[5] Book Recommendation: Clout
Why read this? Published last decade, this book reveals the keys to digital persuasion. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 136
God's love for his people spans the generations.

[7] From Me: Jesus and John Wayne: Just History
Why read this? Discover if this book truly explains the fracture of the American church.

[8] Do You Love Me?
Why watch this? Who doesn't love a dancing robots?


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Thought Thread: Noise

[1] More than Bias, Noise is a Problem
Why read this? We neglect to acknowledge the impact of noise in decision-making.

[2] Listening Requires Waiting
Why read this? Teaching and one-on-one conversations demand space for answers. 

[3] How To Confront Someone on Social Media
Why watch this? You can't just shout them down. Be tactful.

[4] You Don't Become an Adult Until 36
Why read this? Not sure I agree, but arrested development ain't just a show.

[5] Why the Quarterback says, "Hut"
Why read this? If you don't know, now you know.

[6] Book Recommendation: The Signal and the Noise
Why read this? Prediction in this era requires nuance. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[7] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 131
The pursuit of inner quietness in a chaotic world.


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Thought Thread: Recycle

[1] A Recycling-based Learning Theory
Why read this? David Kolb's experiential learning is a framework worth considering.

[2] Don't Trash Your Old Gadgets
Why read this? There are better ways to utilize our old tech.

[3] Repurposing Old Church Buildings
Why watch this? When churches close, their buildings take on a different spirit

[4] The Weak Case for Grit
Why read this? Explore a counter-perspective of a popular book about true success.

[5] Book Recommendation: Contagious
Why read this? Social influence shapes the world. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 127
The Scriptures describe how trash becomes treasure.

[7] From Me: What We Knew
Why read this? In the early days of the pandemic, an observation provided context.


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Thought Thread: City

[1] Will Remote Working Destroy the City?
Why read this? What will happen when jobs are no longer rooted to location?

[2] Seth Godin and Junction City
Why read this? Are you creating places or pathways?

[3] How To Become More Resilient
Why watch this? The city eats people up, making elasticity supremely important.

[4] Pacing Vs. Racing: Running With or Running Against?
Why read this? Part of the allure of the city is its speed, but slow and steady still reigns.

[5] Book Recommendation: Work
Why read this? This new book traces the history of laboring. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 122
The psalmist romanticizes about the city of Jerusalem.

[7] From Me: Only the Lonely
Why read this? A major problem with urbanites (and all people) is isolation.


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Thought Thread: Last

[1] Why You Stay Up Late, Even When You Know You Shouldn't
Why read this? I'm getting back to pre-pandemic sleep patterns and this helped.

Don't Let the Small Stuff Get You Down 
Why read this? A study reveals that negative experiences can last longer than we think.

[3] Persuading the Unpersuadable
Why watch this? To change the world, you need to learn to change your mind.

[4] The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon by Kevin Bacon
Why watch this? While this TedTalk is a decade old, it's meta and rather touching.

[5] Book Recommendation: Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned
Why read this? While measurement is helpful, it doesn't guarantee lasting success. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 119
Some brief words from the longest book in the Bible.

[7] From My Friend: The Crisis in Myanmar
Why read this? Just wanted to highlight a dear friend of mine in Myanmar. Their country is in turmoil from a recent military coup, but they continue on. If you're looking to support this cause, I'd invite you to look at their ministry there. 

The Thought Thread Podcast is available on iTunes and Spotify.

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Thought Thread: Old

[1] The Last Blockbuster Store Survived the Pandemic
Why read this? This and a recent documentary reveals that nostalgia runs high.

[2] Should You Trust the Myers-Briggs?
Why read this? Reliance on personality tests might just be old school.

[3] Who Am I? The Ship of Theseus Question
Why watch this? A visual explanation of the ancient philosophical question from Wandavision.

[4] Family or Firm? Royalty and Workplace Conflict
Why read this? Tracking the Harry/Meghan issue? View it as an organizational problem.

[5] Book Recommendation: Simply Christian
Why read this? I recently reread this new classic by NT Wright and appreciated how it's held up. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 116
The old words of Scripture have more relevancy that we realize.

[7] From Me: Slow Down to Remember
Why read this? Hopefully the pandemic taught us to appreciate life and honor death.

The Thought Thread Podcast is available on iTunes and Spotify.


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Thought Thread: Story

[1] How the Public Health Message Backfired
Why read this? This author has nailed everything about pandemic response reflection.

[2] Stories that Bring Your Data to Life
Why read this? Spreadsheets are a necessity. Explaining them doesn't have to be dull.

[3] The Ultimate Guide to Visual Storytelling
Why read this? Words are powerful but pictures can amplify those words.

[4] People Don't Know When to Shut Up
Why read this? Ever feel like you can't get out of a conversation? Research shows you're right.

[5] Book Recommendation: The Tetris Effect
Why read this? As a Tetris addict, I found the story behind the game gripping. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 107
While known as a book of poetry, this psalm has a story to tell.

[7] From Me: On Accountability
Why read this? The abuse perpetrated by Ravi Zacharias must be used to ensure this doesn't happen again.


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Thought Thread: History

[1] Five Leadership Lessons From Lincoln
Why read this? On his birthday, see how research affirms the greatness of Honest Abe.

[2] The Dark History of the Fork
Why read this? Once considered immoral, the beloved utensil has a storied past.

[3] The Allure of Sea Shanties
Why watch this? How did hymn-like singing become latest internet craze?

[4] The Rise and Fall of Words
Why read this? Search for words on this Google app to see their popularity over time.

[5] Book Recommendation: Because Internet
Why read this? This book details the history of the internet and outlines how this is transforming the very way we communicate. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 103
As churches strive for relevancy, maybe we should consider old school worship.

[7] From Me: The Church of WallStreetBets
Why read this? I see a connection between the GameStop phenomenon and the future of Christian community.

Thought Thread: Mature

[1] Five Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life
Why read this? Wisdom for youth and reminders for those of us . . . not quite youthful.

[2] People Become Unhappy Until Age 47.2
Why read this? I'm not there yet but maturity can boost our happiness.

[3] Taking A Midlife Gap Year
Why read this? Most of us won't have the flexibility to take a professional sabbatical, but the reframing of career goals might accomplish the same thing.

[4] How To Build A Great Relationship With A Mentor
Why read this? We all should be mentoring and being mentored.

[5] Book Recommendation: How To Write Short
Why read this? Most of us are writing more than ever, but we don't understand the power of concise writing. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 102
In this season of Epiphany (one of the most overlooked parts of Jesus' life) we have the opportunity for insight.

[7] From Me: Used of God
Why read this? A mentor of mine passed this last week. This is my tribute to a life well-lived.

Thought Thread: Journey

[1] The Difference Between Busy and Productive
Why read this? Avoiding the curse of busyness is a great way to start your 2021 journey.

[2] When Can We Go Back To the Gym?
Why read this? January is the month for gym memberships. Love 'em or hate 'em, the pandemic reveals how these places can nuture something more than physical health.

[3] Tools for an Organized Journey
I'm a big fan of recalibrating each new year. Two resources I use that've helped me: Year Compass and Bullet Journal, low-cost ways of capturing your yearly tasks and goals.

[4] Career Ending E-Sports Injuries
Why read this? I'm still shocked that professional video gaming is a thing. Perhaps even crazier is their forced retirement due to injuries.

[5] Book Recommendation: Originals
Why read this? Adam Grant's research on creativity was one of my favorite reads of last year. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 100
I started sharing messages from Psalms in 2020 and will continue in the series until the summer. In this popular psalm, the reminder to worship beckons a new journey.

[7] From Me: Doctorates, Virtual Learning, and Old Tattoos
Why read this? The conversation about who gets to be called doctor isn't nearly as important as the pathway to get there.

Thought Thread: Number

[1] Why We're Blind to Probability
Why read this? The numbers don't lie but that doesn't seem to matter to us.

[2] Why Time Feels So Strange in this Crisis
Why read this? The numbers on the clock are less forceful in quarantine.

[3] The Older We Get, the Harder it is to Learn
Why read this? Science is affirming the old dog/new tricks challenge.

[4] Old People Today Are Younger Than Ever
Why read this? It answered why I don't feel as old as I think I should.

[5] Book Recommendation: The Coming Revolution in Church Economics
Why read this? The pandemic is accelerating the need for churches to examine its financial model. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 90
The psalmist reminds us our days are numbered.

[7] Nobody Really Knows
Why read this? The rise of big data has empowered predictions, but nothing's changed.

Thought Thread: Frame

[1] What Stops People From Changing Their Minds?
Why watch this? Want to change someone's mind? Perhaps persistence isn't best.

[2] Did Data Predict 2020?
Why read this? One scientist determined a decade ago this would be a rough year.  

[3] How Reframing a Problem Unlocks Innovation  
Why read this? Taking a step back is a valid response to complex issues. 

[4] Our Decisions Are Influenced By Presentation
Why read this? How the information is given to us can impact our response.

[5] Book Recommendation: An Economist Walks Into a Brothel
Why read this? The provocative title reflects the author's desire to explain how risk impacts our choices. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 87
When love comes to town, all our fortunes are reversed.

[7] From Me: A Lesson on Historical Framing
Why listen to this? I'll admit that this has a narrow audience, but I'm putting it out here anyway: I developed a curriculum on my religious tribe: the Restoration Movement. In the first lesson, I introduce the concept of framing history and how it impacts our thinking. This is geek-level content, but you might want to give it a try. Scroll down the page to find lesson one.

Thought Thread: Better

[1] Tools for Better Thinking
Why read this? When you're working a problem, it can help to consider how you think.

[2] Better and Cheaper
Why read this? Seth Godin reminds us it's tough to achieve both.

[3] The Art of Blooming Late
Why read this? Maybe you were young and prolific. I'm focused on being older and . . .

[4] Write Better Emails
Why read this? The importance of our digital communication demands thoughtfulness.

[5] Book Recommendation: Developing Female Leaders
Why read this? We need good discourse for launching ladies into leadership. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 84
Does our search for better lead us to miss out on what's better?

[7] Improve Your Walking Technique
Why read this? I haven't used any of this, but it reminds me we can always get better. 

Thought Thread: Home

[1] If You're Working From Home, Dress Like a Lunatic
Why read this? Since I rarely wear pants anymore, this article made me feel better.

[2] Remote Work's Promotion Penalty
Why watch this? Depending on your company, work-from-home can stunt your career.  

[3] I Hate Living In My Tiny House
Why read this? It's all the rage but the simple life isn't all that simple.

[4] The Harshest Return: Coming Home From Antartica
Why read this? This long-form article focuses on the challenges of reacclimatization.

[5] Book Recommendation: Poetic Theology
Why read this? Even a decade later, this book offers fresh insight on understanding God's kingdom. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 71
The psalmist explores the concept of home in light of the Lord.

[7] Waymaker Newsletter
Why read this? I've appreciated this learning resource from my friend Russell.  

Thought Thread: Flight

[1] What Sent Boeing Off Course? 
Why read this? Understand the consequences of chasing the dollar.

[2] Working From Home is Bad for your Sleep 
Why watch this? Struggling to fly away to dream land lately? This may be why. 

[3] Fight or Flight Turns Hair White
Why read this? A scientific view on graying follicles. 

[4] Small Adjustments
Why read this? A quick read, this is a powerful reflection by Seth Godin

[5] Book Recommendation: It's Not Over
Why read this? I'm blessed to have collaborated with the author and his influential church in New England. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 62
The cost of fleeing is incredibly high.

[7] What Poker Can Teach You About Living Through A Pandemic
Why read this? I thought this was a creative way to view our current situation. 

Thought Thread: Morning

[1] Save Twenty Hours Per Week 
Why read this? The first three hours of your day are possibly the most important.

[2] The False Promise of Morning Routines
Why read this? Might as well consider a viewpoint declaring mornings overrated.

[3] The Most Important Meal of the Day?
Why watch this? Cereal companies sold the breakfast mystique.

[4] Brew A Better Cup of Coffee
Why read this? You only live once. Drink better coffee.

[5] Book Recommendation: Creative Quest
Why read this? A quarantined existence saps your creativity. The frontman from the Roots shares his learnings in this book. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 42
Spoiler: it probably wasn't a deer panting by streams of water.  

[7] Red Sky in Morning . . .
Why read this? Haven't you ever wondered what's behind that old sailor saying?

Thought Thread: Chaos

[1] Are You A Self-Interrupter?
Why read this? Maybe the source of chaos in your world . . .  is you.

[2] Four Ways To Keep Peace in Times of Chaos 
Why read this? Working remotely still involves relationships. The key: getting along.

[3] COVID and Chaos Theory
Why read this? Even in uncertain times there is knowledge to be gained.

[4] Video: Why Do We Itch?
Why watch this? Because you're scratching your head right now.

[5]  Book Recommendation: Range
Why read this? As the times become more complex, we should seek to become generalists.  
Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 46
We must learn how to worship in a chaotic world.

[7] A Desktop Goose to Disrupt Your Productivity
This is random, but maybe your work-from-home rhythm needs some chaos.

Thought Thread: Patriot

[1] How to Reset Your Goals During a Crisis
Why read this? Halfway through 2020 and normal is out of reach. Time to start anew.

[2] Leaders Must Have Courage to Choose the Future
Why read this? "Opportunities are present no matter how dark the times."

[3] It's Time To Build
Why read this? This mantra has been essential to American culture and is needed again.

[4] Video: Did Immunization Win the Revolutionary War?
Why watch this? How Washington defeated both smallpox and the British. 

[5]  Book Recommendation: The Color of Compromise 
Why read this? The research here is incredibly enlightening. Understanding the American church's past is the only way to chart a new future.   
Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 47
As we prepare to celebrate America's birth we look back at a time when God's people celebrated their nation.