Thought Thread: Story

[1] How the Public Health Message Backfired
Why read this? This author has nailed everything about pandemic response reflection.

[2] Stories that Bring Your Data to Life
Why read this? Spreadsheets are a necessity. Explaining them doesn't have to be dull.

[3] The Ultimate Guide to Visual Storytelling
Why read this? Words are powerful but pictures can amplify those words.

[4] People Don't Know When to Shut Up
Why read this? Ever feel like you can't get out of a conversation? Research shows you're right.

[5] Book Recommendation: The Tetris Effect
Why read this? As a Tetris addict, I found the story behind the game gripping. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 107
While known as a book of poetry, this psalm has a story to tell.

[7] From Me: On Accountability
Why read this? The abuse perpetrated by Ravi Zacharias must be used to ensure this doesn't happen again.


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