Thought Thread: Love

[1] What Lack of Affection Does to People
Why read this? A post-COVID world might require free hugs.

[2] The Passion Economy and the Future of Work
Why read this? The shift from organizations to personal brands is upon us.

[3] How To Build Deeper Friendships
Why read this? Coming out of the pandemic, we need strong support systems.

[4] The Most Intelligent People Love Spending Time Alone
Why read this? Even if you're an extrovert, you may need to roll solo.

[5] Book Recommendation: Clout
Why read this? Published last decade, this book reveals the keys to digital persuasion. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 136
God's love for his people spans the generations.

[7] From Me: Jesus and John Wayne: Just History
Why read this? Discover if this book truly explains the fracture of the American church.

[8] Do You Love Me?
Why watch this? Who doesn't love a dancing robots?


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