Thought Thread: Hallelujah

[1] The Psychology of Silent Treatment 
Why read this? Ghosting someone could cause greater harm than you realize. 

[2] The Digital Divide and the American Church
Why read this? A tech magazine examines the challenges of online worship. 

[3] Why Can't We Live Without Sports?
Why read this?
 Understand why people worship players in the arena.

[4] Leaders Matter. So Do Followers.
Why read this?
 When you're not in charge, you still have influence.

[5] Book Recommendation: Art and Faith
Why read this? Consider how a renowned artist understands Christianity. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 146
A journey from mortality to doxology.

[7] From Me: The Sin of Pastoral Narcissism
Why read this? When leaders point people to the wrong Savior.


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