Thought Thread: Number

[1] Why We're Blind to Probability
Why read this? The numbers don't lie but that doesn't seem to matter to us.

[2] Why Time Feels So Strange in this Crisis
Why read this? The numbers on the clock are less forceful in quarantine.

[3] The Older We Get, the Harder it is to Learn
Why read this? Science is affirming the old dog/new tricks challenge.

[4] Old People Today Are Younger Than Ever
Why read this? It answered why I don't feel as old as I think I should.

[5] Book Recommendation: The Coming Revolution in Church Economics
Why read this? The pandemic is accelerating the need for churches to examine its financial model. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 90
The psalmist reminds us our days are numbered.

[7] Nobody Really Knows
Why read this? The rise of big data has empowered predictions, but nothing's changed.