Thought Thread: Better

[1] Tools for Better Thinking
Why read this? When you're working a problem, it can help to consider how you think.

[2] Better and Cheaper
Why read this? Seth Godin reminds us it's tough to achieve both.

[3] The Art of Blooming Late
Why read this? Maybe you were young and prolific. I'm focused on being older and . . .

[4] Write Better Emails
Why read this? The importance of our digital communication demands thoughtfulness.

[5] Book Recommendation: Developing Female Leaders
Why read this? We need good discourse for launching ladies into leadership. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 84
Does our search for better lead us to miss out on what's better?

[7] Improve Your Walking Technique
Why read this? I haven't used any of this, but it reminds me we can always get better.