Thought Thread: Journey

[1] The Difference Between Busy and Productive
Why read this? Avoiding the curse of busyness is a great way to start your 2021 journey.

[2] When Can We Go Back To the Gym?
Why read this? January is the month for gym memberships. Love 'em or hate 'em, the pandemic reveals how these places can nuture something more than physical health.

[3] Tools for an Organized Journey
I'm a big fan of recalibrating each new year. Two resources I use that've helped me: Year Compass and Bullet Journal, low-cost ways of capturing your yearly tasks and goals.

[4] Career Ending E-Sports Injuries
Why read this? I'm still shocked that professional video gaming is a thing. Perhaps even crazier is their forced retirement due to injuries.

[5] Book Recommendation: Originals
Why read this? Adam Grant's research on creativity was one of my favorite reads of last year. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 100
I started sharing messages from Psalms in 2020 and will continue in the series until the summer. In this popular psalm, the reminder to worship beckons a new journey.

[7] From Me: Doctorates, Virtual Learning, and Old Tattoos
Why read this? The conversation about who gets to be called doctor isn't nearly as important as the pathway to get there.