Thought Thread: Last

[1] Why You Stay Up Late, Even When You Know You Shouldn't
Why read this? I'm getting back to pre-pandemic sleep patterns and this helped.

Don't Let the Small Stuff Get You Down 
Why read this? A study reveals that negative experiences can last longer than we think.

[3] Persuading the Unpersuadable
Why watch this? To change the world, you need to learn to change your mind.

[4] The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon by Kevin Bacon
Why watch this? While this TedTalk is a decade old, it's meta and rather touching.

[5] Book Recommendation: Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned
Why read this? While measurement is helpful, it doesn't guarantee lasting success. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 119
Some brief words from the longest book in the Bible.

[7] From My Friend: The Crisis in Myanmar
Why read this? Just wanted to highlight a dear friend of mine in Myanmar. Their country is in turmoil from a recent military coup, but they continue on. If you're looking to support this cause, I'd invite you to look at their ministry there. 

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