Thought Thread: Noise

[1] More than Bias, Noise is a Problem
Why read this? We neglect to acknowledge the impact of noise in decision-making.

[2] Listening Requires Waiting
Why read this? Teaching and one-on-one conversations demand space for answers. 

[3] How To Confront Someone on Social Media
Why watch this? You can't just shout them down. Be tactful.

[4] You Don't Become an Adult Until 36
Why read this? Not sure I agree, but arrested development ain't just a show.

[5] Why the Quarterback says, "Hut"
Why read this? If you don't know, now you know.

[6] Book Recommendation: The Signal and the Noise
Why read this? Prediction in this era requires nuance. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[7] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 131
The pursuit of inner quietness in a chaotic world.


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