Thought Thread: Home

[1] If You're Working From Home, Dress Like a Lunatic
Why read this? Since I rarely wear pants anymore, this article made me feel better.

[2] Remote Work's Promotion Penalty
Why watch this? Depending on your company, work-from-home can stunt your career.  

[3] I Hate Living In My Tiny House
Why read this? It's all the rage but the simple life isn't all that simple.

[4] The Harshest Return: Coming Home From Antartica
Why read this? This long-form article focuses on the challenges of reacclimatization.

[5] Book Recommendation: Poetic Theology
Why read this? Even a decade later, this book offers fresh insight on understanding God's kingdom. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 71
The psalmist explores the concept of home in light of the Lord.

[7] Waymaker Newsletter
Why read this? I've appreciated this learning resource from my friend Russell.