Thought Thread: Patriot

[1] How to Reset Your Goals During a Crisis
Why read this? Halfway through 2020 and normal is out of reach. Time to start anew.

[2] Leaders Must Have Courage to Choose the Future
Why read this? "Opportunities are present no matter how dark the times."

[3] It's Time To Build
Why read this? This mantra has been essential to American culture and is needed again.

[4] Video: Did Immunization Win the Revolutionary War?
Why watch this? How Washington defeated both smallpox and the British. 

[5]  Book Recommendation: The Color of Compromise 
Why read this? The research here is incredibly enlightening. Understanding the American church's past is the only way to chart a new future.   
Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 47
As we prepare to celebrate America's birth we look back at a time when God's people celebrated their nation.