Thought Thread: City

[1] Will Remote Working Destroy the City?
Why read this? What will happen when jobs are no longer rooted to location?

[2] Seth Godin and Junction City
Why read this? Are you creating places or pathways?

[3] How To Become More Resilient
Why watch this? The city eats people up, making elasticity supremely important.

[4] Pacing Vs. Racing: Running With or Running Against?
Why read this? Part of the allure of the city is its speed, but slow and steady still reigns.

[5] Book Recommendation: Work
Why read this? This new book traces the history of laboring. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 122
The psalmist romanticizes about the city of Jerusalem.

[7] From Me: Only the Lonely
Why read this? A major problem with urbanites (and all people) is isolation.


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