Thought Thread: Recycle

[1] A Recycling-based Learning Theory
Why read this? David Kolb's experiential learning is a framework worth considering.

[2] Don't Trash Your Old Gadgets
Why read this? There are better ways to utilize our old tech.

[3] Repurposing Old Church Buildings
Why watch this? When churches close, their buildings take on a different spirit

[4] The Weak Case for Grit
Why read this? Explore a counter-perspective of a popular book about true success.

[5] Book Recommendation: Contagious
Why read this? Social influence shapes the world. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 127
The Scriptures describe how trash becomes treasure.

[7] From Me: What We Knew
Why read this? In the early days of the pandemic, an observation provided context.


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