Thought Thread: Chaos

[1] Are You A Self-Interrupter?
Why read this? Maybe the source of chaos in your world . . .  is you.

[2] Four Ways To Keep Peace in Times of Chaos 
Why read this? Working remotely still involves relationships. The key: getting along.

[3] COVID and Chaos Theory
Why read this? Even in uncertain times there is knowledge to be gained.

[4] Video: Why Do We Itch?
Why watch this? Because you're scratching your head right now.

[5]  Book Recommendation: Range
Why read this? As the times become more complex, we should seek to become generalists.  
Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Bible Teaching/Sermon: Psalm 46
We must learn how to worship in a chaotic world.

[7] A Desktop Goose to Disrupt Your Productivity
This is random, but maybe your work-from-home rhythm needs some chaos.