Thought Thread: Adversary

[1] Embrace Adversarial Collaboration
Why read this? You need to. Daniel Kahneman won a Nobel prize for this kind of cognitive research. Leaders engaging our rapidly changing culture must understand how to make challenging decisions while accepting that opposition isn't always bad. This is a long read but applying this to your work could be transformational.

[2] Science vs. God: A False Choice
Why read this? A secular perspective of why science doesn't need to deny a Creator.

[3] The Fight over "THE"
Why read this? Why did Ohio State University try to trademark a common word?

[4] When Leaders Avoid Conflict
Why read this? Learning to fight well is an important soft skill.

[5] Book Recommendation: Weapons of Math Destruction
Why read this? Just because "the data proves it" doesn't mean it's right. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] The Rise of Lonely, Single Men
Why read this?
I've been asking leaders about this in recent weeks.

[7] Best Year End Ever
Why read this? For church leaders: my friends Kenny and Rich are collaborating with Carey Nieuwhof to help your end-of-year giving push.