Thought Thread: Horizon

[1] Social Media Isn't Dying: It's Changing
Why read this? Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter affirms this shift.

[2] Your Favorite Restaurant Closes Earlier Now
Why read this? It hasn't bothered me. I like an early dinner.

[3] Why Are Pop Songs Getting Sadder?
Why read this? Taylor Swift's latest album merely follows a trend in music.

[4] Don't Seek Feedback
Why read this? I'm always intrigued by provocative content. Not sure I buy this.

[5] Book Recommendation: A Beautiful Constraint
Why read this? There are times we need to embrace limits placed upon us. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Productivity is Trending Downward
Why read this? We're less productive but assessing white-collar output is challenging.

[7] From Me: A Change is Gonna Come
Why read this? We need to admit that the times, they are a'changing.