Thought Thread: Beneath

[1] Four Habits of People Always Learning
Why read this? I'm a huge proponent of self-improvement. This tells you how it's done.

[2] The Great Regression
Why read this? Dissecting the trend of adults who prefer to act like children.

[3] Paul McCartney's Freakish Memory
Why read this? As a Beatles fan, this background on the songwriter is a great read.

[4] Listening through Headphones Increases Connection
Why read this? If you need to retain information, put in your AirPods.

[5] Book Recommendation: The Thing Beneath the Thing
Why read this? My friend Steve helps us see that understanding the roots of our struggles can set us free. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Chess is Just Checkers Now
Why read this? Computers have ruined what was once the most cerebral game.

[7] Tiny Stories, Massive Impact
Why read this? I appreciate a view of how the little things make all the difference.