Thought Thread: Thoughts

[1] Success Won't Make You Happy
Why read this? Many of us want to be achievers, but is it an unattainable goal?

[2] Dimensions of Curiosity and Curious People
Why read this? Be curious, not judgmental.

[3] Hidden Forces of Radical Hope
Why read this? A long form secular piece advocating for our reliance on hope.

[4] The Art of Noticing
Why read this? My attention span is often too short. I needed this reminder.

[5] Book Recommendation: Halftime: From Success to Significance
Why read this? I read this almost two decades ago, long before it applied to me. How do you strategize the second part of your career? Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Brain-washing During Sleep
Why read this? If you pride yourself on minimal hours of sleep, you may be missing out.

[7] From Me: Is Napoleon Dynamite a Brilliant Movie?
Why read this? Sometimes I tackle the truly challenging topics.