Thought Thread: 2022

[1] The Bigger, Better Boom
Why read this? A futurist predicts that the next twenty-five years will be prosperous.

[2] Before You Join the Great Resignation . . .
Why read this? Some things to consider if you're discontent with work.

[3] The Five "Whys" of Productivity
Why read this? Need motivation to get stuff done this year? Ask why.

[4] The Top Ten Books of the 1920's
Why read this? Since my social media is filled with people's book list from the past year, we might as well look back at what Americans were reading a century ago.

[5] Book Recommendation: On the Road with St Augustine
Why read this? I've always appreciated Augustine so this was one of my better reads from 2021. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] You Don't Need a Mentor: Find a Nemesis
While the premise is obviously provocative, the long-read has interesting illustrations.

[7] Using your Notes App as a Productivity File?
Why read this? I use a hybrid of this with the Captio app. If you've tried everything else, maybe this is an option for you?

[8] Exercise to Become More Creative
Why read this? If you can't access the NY Times article linked above, click to take a look at the study synopsis to learn that going for a walk might help your work.

[9] Why Can't We Throw All Our Trash Into a Volcano?
Why read this? Admit it: you thought about it.

[10] From Me: Pen to Paper
Why read this? Tim Ferris makes good points about this, but I'm trying to write more this year.