Thought Thread: Withstand

[1] What Kind of Procrastinator Are You?
Why read this? Knowing why you don't get tasks accomplished is important.

[2] How to Build Your Resilience
Why read this? Fifteen ways to prepare yourself for tough times.

[3] Leaders Should Read More Fiction
Why read this? I prefer non-fiction, but I'm trying to push myself to try new things.

[4] How the Next Gen Uses the Web
Why read this? Young folk are using social apps more than Google to search for stuff.

[5] The Elephant in the Room
Why read this? My friends Pete and Shara are staring down cancer. I'm thankful that they're journaling this online so we all can learn through their journey.

[6] Book Recommendation: Survival of the City
Why read this? Edward Glaeser considers how the pandemic will impact the future of urban areas. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[7] Do We Even Need Business Cards Anymore?
Why read this? Raised lettering? Pale nimbus? Is this the end of an era?