Thought Thread: Local

[1] The Importance of Location in a Digital Age
Why read this? While brick and mortar may seem to be dying, it still has sway.

[2] The Declining State of Friendship
Why read this? People are feeling lonelier. They need spaces for connection.

[3] Use Suffering to Get Stronger
Why watch this? Video of a secular view of suffering that, in some ways, sounds biblical.

[4] Neighborhoods with More Dogs are Safer
Why read this? When you find that late-night barking annoying, see the upside.

[5] Book Recommendation: A Church of House Churches
Why read this? I met Jason last year and appreciated his unique perspective on church structure. Before you buy, click here for some of my highlights from the book.

[6] Why Does Everything Look the Same?
Why read this? The possibility of a bland future looms large on the horizon.

[7] Lost Wallets With Cash Are More Likely to be Returned
Why read this? Apparently feeling like a thief makes more people feel bad