Change Is Good

OK, so I felt it was time to change up the blog again. I didn't really vibe with any new themes so I decided to take an entirely different approach: I'm switching from Blogger. When I started blogging a couple of years ago I wasn't too sure how dedicated I would be to the discipline. That's why I went with Blogger: the price was right [read: free]. The longer I went, the more it became habit, and the more I've learned about the different options available. I've decided to switch over to a Wordpress blog that will give me a lot more tools to work with.

So things will be a little choppy this week, but soon everything will be at I'm still working out the feeds and some other issues; I was already able to transfer many of my previous posts but, in order to get everything, I'll have to make a mess of the current Blogger site.

I'll keep up-to-date on this site until I get the change over complete.

Until then, pardon our dust.