Baseball Is Back

Tuning in to Fox Sports Ohio, we have great seats for Opening Day [and they're going to broadcast all but twenty games this year, so that's awesome]. Already saw Mayor Mallory butcher the first pitch, begging the question: if you know you can't throw, why offer to throw the first pitch of the biggest game of the year? And Adam Dunn already went yard, meaning he only needs a strikeout and a walk today for his natural trifecta. So we packed up the little girl this morning and headed to Over-The-Rhine to watch the Reds Opening Day parade. It's been about twenty years since I last saw the parade, and it was Kelly and Kaelyn's first. The weather was perfect and we had a blast. Here are some pictures of our outing. First, the cute ones:

And now for the other interesting things we saw:

A huge Pete Rose head , haircut circa 1978.

Nothing says "family friendly parade" like a strip club advertisement.

Nice to know that our tax dollars are going to Pimp The Air Force's ride.

And before I could post this, Adam Dunn hit his second home-run. He's now on pace to hit over 500 home-runs this year, allowing him to pass both Barry Bonds and Hank Aaron next year.