Checking In

Sometimes I wonder why I still have a blog. I'm incredibly inconsistent in my posting, but I've finally become OK with that. Facebook and Twitter have severely neutered the popularity of blogs, but I continue to love the medium even if few read what I write. It helps me keep track of my life. Just the other day, I was wondering when a certain event happened. Since I knew it happened in the last six years, I was able to look in my archives and check the date. So even though you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Flickr, I'm still keeping this thing going. Sure, I'm using it more as an online diary now, but all is well. So for you who still check in from time to time, thanks for reading. I'm sorry I'm not contributing great content right now, but allow me to present a litany of excuses.

1. The house is still for sale. One month ago we made the decision to start. We've only had one viewing thus far, but it's only been on the market a couple of weeks and we have yet to host our first open house. We're still feeling good about things, though. You wouldn't believe how clean our house is.

2. Church is amazing. We had another good summer and are developing great community. I continue to feel pride for the people of Echo and how God is using them throughout our city. We're studying Exodus right now, and will examine the Ten Commandments this fall. October will mark our fifth year of ministry. I'm wondering if we can still be classified as a new church . . .

3. The day job keeps me busy too. We have a two-tiered fall admissions which means there's been no let-up. I'm still enjoying it. My job allows me the opportunity to meet some amazing people embarking on life change. It's a good gig.

4. I'm teaching again. I basically had the summer off, which I thoroughly enjoyed. But I do love spending some time in the classroom, so it's exciting to get back at. Right now, I'm teaching every week throughout the rest of the year so the break was a blessing.

5. Kaelyn is starting preschool next week. Needless to say, she's growing up. I think it's affecting me more than Kelly right now. But everyday with our little girl is a pleasure (even when she isn't at her best). She's more aware daily and I'm loving the person she's becoming.

6. Kiddie soccer is starting up again. This will be the third session I'll be coaching the Mount Adams kids soccer. It's just practice—no competitive games— but it's just another thing on the schedule.

7. I'm taking yet another class. I'm conditionally accepted into my doctoral program until I complete two more seminary courses. I opted for an online class this semester, but I'll soon be able to set my academic focus soley on doctoral work soon.

So, yeah, blogging takes a back seat. But even though things are a little hectic, I'm loving life.

And having a wife who is able to keep everything behind-the-scenes working seamlessly is the greatest blessing of them all. I couldn't imagine what I'd do without her. Kelly makes my busy life enjoyable. We've had some great family time over the summer. We're looking forward to the fall.

That said, here are five things that I'm excited about right now:

1. The Walnut Hills Festival is this week. Echo has been involved in it since the beginning, and it's been a great vehicle to establish our relationship with the neighborhood. If you're not doing anything next Saturday (September 11th), you should join us at the corner of Kemper and Taft for food, folks and fun.

2. Shawn and Melissa are getting married. I'm claiming this as our first official Echo wedding as Shawn was part of our core group before taking a ministry and Melissa has been with us since she graduated from college. I'm excited that I get to officiate and can at least say that if our church has done nothing else, it is responsible for a marriage.

3. My sister is having her fourth child. That'll make 14 grandchildren among my siblings. That's insane.

4. The Cincinnati sports world is alive. It's been 11 years since September baseball has mattered in Cincinnati. I'm not saying that the Reds are a dominant team, but once you get into the postseason, anything can happen.

5. Fall television is ready to roll. I know that sounds peculiar, but we're TV people. Our DVR will get a workout this fall as we get the most out of our cable bill.

If you need me, I'm around.